President | Health Specialist
PhD in Public Health Leadership | Tokyo Medical and Dental, 2008
Master of Public Health | University of the Philippines, 2000
Doctor of Medicine | University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, 1992–1996
Bachelor of Science in Zoology | University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1990
Experience: (Recent to Previous)
Training Course
Duration of Assignment: 2013-2014
Description of Duties and Responsibilities: Impact of Incentives and Information on Quality and Utilization in Primary Care (I3QUIP), WB, PhilHealth and Korean Development Institute.
Duration of Assignment: 2009-2016
Position Held: LECTURER
Projects Title / Location: Selected Courses in Master in Public Management, Development Academy of the Philippines
Description of Duties and Responsibilities: Courses taught: (1) Introductory Course on Health Sector Reform, (2) Local Reform Implementers’ Course, and (3) Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform.
Duration of Assignment: Jan 2005- Feb 2010
Position Held: DOH representative/ health systems specialist
Description of Duties and Responsibilities: ARMM Health Strategy Assessment, USAID
Duration of Assignment: 2009-2010
Project Title / Location: Research Methods, Holy Angels University, Angeles City, Pampanga
Duration of Assignment: Sept 2004
Position Held: FELLOW
Project Title / Location: Zuellig Foundation Health Leadership and Management Program
Duration of Assignment: Feb 2004
Project Title / Location: Program Progress Review Mission on the Unified GTZ Support to the Philippine Health Sector Reform Agenda
Trainings (Recent to Previous)
Date: December 2-7, 2012
Title: Regional Impact Evaluation Workshop
Location: Seoul, Korea
Description: organized by WB and Korean Development Institute
Date: October 6-7, 2011
Title: Resource Tracking for Better Health Outcomes
Location: Paris, France
Description: organized by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Date: December 6-10, 2010
Title: Joint Learning Network Workshop on Provider Payment Models
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Description: organized by World Bank, JLN and IHPP
Date: May 25-28, 2009
Title: Updates on Management of Medicines in International Health InWEnt - Capacity Building International
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Date: July 2008- January 2009
Title: STATA’s Net Course 101 Now
Description: STATA Online Course
Date: October 2006 - May 2007
Title: Management of Medicines in International Health
Location: None
Description: InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Germany & the University of Leeds. Online Course
Date: August 2003
Title: Training Program on Poverty Analysis and Development of Policy Responses for Poverty Reduction
Location: Quezon City
Description: Organized by UNDP, National Economic and Development Authority, National Anti-Poverty Commission and APPC
Date: 2002-2004
Title: Health Leadership and Management Program: Modules 1-3
Location: Laguna and Metro Manila, Philippines
Description: organized by Zuellig Foundation
Date: December 2002
Title: Training on Results Monitoring and Evaluation
Location: Manila, Philippines
Description: organized by the Department of Health and Desarollo Internationale Inc.
Date: June 2002
Title: Problem Solving and Decision-Making
Location: None
Description: organized by Department of Health- Health Human Resource Development Bureau
Date: March-April 2001
Title: Community Health Development Trainers’ Training
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Description: under the Integrated Community Health Services Project (ICHSP)/ Australian Agency for International Development
Date: December 2000
Title: Orientation on Child Labor and Paralegal Training
Location: Brooke’s Point, Palawan, Philippines
Description: organized by the World Vision International and the Department of Labour and Employment
Date: November 2000
Title: Workshop on Results Monitoring and Evaluation of Integrated Community Health Services Project (ICHSP)
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Description: organized by NEDA
Date: September 2000
Title: International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Description: organized by the DOH-National Epidemiology Center
Date: March 1999
Title: Performance Management Course
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Description: under the Integrated Community Health Services Project (ICHSP)/Australian Agency for International Development
Date: November 1998
Title: Management Course in Devolved Health System
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Description: Organized by the UP College of Public Administration under the Integrated Community Health Services Project (ICHSP)/Australian Agency for International Development
Paper Presentation: (Recent to Previous)
Date: Nov. 17, 2016
Title: Knowledge Translation: The Philippine Experience/The Value of Joint Learning Network
Presentation Held: Vancouver, Canada
Description of Presentation: Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. In Thematic Working Group Session Decoding knowledge translation: initiatives, institutions and perspectives on moving from knowledge to action and working across constituencies for policy and programme change.
Date: Aug. 25, 2015
Title: Health Systems in Transition: The Philippines Health System Review 2011 Philippine Living HiTS 2013,2014
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: 1st Global Forum for Research and Innovation for Health (“Forum 2015”)
Date: July 16-17, 2015
Title: Governance: Philippines and the Development of Tsekap
Presentation Held: London, England
Description of Presentation: HBP Policymaker Roundtable Meeting organized by Center for Global Development.
Date: July 8, 2015
Title: Integrating Private Providers with National Insurance Schemes: Insights from the Philippines
Presentation Held: Nairobi, Kenya
Description of Presentation: Advancing Partnerships for Universal Health Coverage organized by The Health Systems Hub (HANSHEP)
Date: June 23–27, 2015
Title: Providing Health Insurance for the Poor: The Philippine Experience
Presentation Held: Berlin, Germany
Description of Presentation: Berlin Global Learning Forum 2015 organized by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Date: December 1, 2014
Title: Engaging the Filipino Pharmacists in Universal Health Care
Presentation Held: Makati, Philippines
Description of Presentation: 2014 National Pharmacy Week: The Filipino Pharmacists for the Filipino People-Ensuring Better Healthcare, Medicines and Services.
Date: October 21-24, 2014
Title: Ensuring Financial Risk Protection for the Poorest Families through PhilHealth
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: 15th National Health Research Forum for Action
Date: September 30- October 3, 2014
Title: Leveraging social health insurance to ensure access of poorest families to primary care services in the Philippines (poster presentation)
Presentation Held: Cape Town, South Africa
Description of Presentation: Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Date: September 30- October 3, 2014
Title: Promoting Access to NCD Medicines Through A Social Health Insurance Benefit Package: Early Lessons From A Pilot of in the Philippines
Presentation Held:: Cape Town, South Africa
Description of Presentation: Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Date: August 14, 2014
Title: Universal Health Care Implementation in the Philippines: Lessons Learnt
Presentation Held: Beijing, China
Description of Presentation: APEC Health Working Group Policy Dialogue on Universal Health Coverage in Asia-Pacific Region
Date: June 9, 2014
Title: Philippine Experience in Expanding Coverage of the Informal Sector
Presentation Held: Seoul, Korea
Description of Presentation: International Forum on Universal Health Coverage
Date: December 13-16 ,2013
Title: The Health in UHC: Meeting the NCD challenge in Session
Presentation Held: Singapore
Description of Presentation: Implementing the U, H and C of Universal Health Coverage in Asia; Health Systems in Asia: Equity, Governance and Social Impact
Date: November 20-21, 2012
Title: PhilHealth Primary Care Benefit- Assessment of Initial Implementation
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: 13th National Health Research Forum for Action: Kalusugang Pananaliksik para sa Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP4KP)
Date: November 9,2012
Title: Increasing Coverage of Essential Interventions for Women’s and Children’s Health through National Health Insurance
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: Asia-Pacific Leadership and Policy Dialogue for Women and Children: More money for women’s and children’s health and more women’s and children’s health for the money. World Health Organization for Western Pacific Region.
Date: October 31- November 3, 2012
Title: Scaling-up of urban heart: Towards evidence-based policy-making at local governments
Presentation Held: Beijing, China
Description of Presentation: An application of innovative methodologies towards evidence-based policy-making. Second Global Symposium on Health System Research: Inclusion and Innovation towards Universal Health Coverage
Date: October 3-4, 2011
Title: Barriers to Universal Coverage in the Philippines
Presentation Held: Bandar Sunway, Malaysia
Description of Presentation: International Symposium on Universal Healthcare Coverage
Date: November 16-19, 2010
Title: The Role of Health Insurance in the delivery of quality health care in the Philippines
Presentation Held: Montreux, Switzerland
Description of Presentation: First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Date: October 4-5, 2010
Title: Local Health Accounts: Understanding the Sources and Uses of Funds in Delivering Local Health Services in a Devolved Setting
Presentation Held: EDSA Shangri-La, Ortigas, Philippines
Description of Presentation: 11th National Convention on Statistics,National Statistical Coordination Board
Date: April 14, 2010
Title: Principles of Social Solidarity, Equity, Quality Assurance and Cost-Containment: PHIC enrollment, coverage and expenditures
Presentation Held: GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman Campus
Description of Presentation: Health Financing Summit
Date: March 25, 2010
Title: DOH Transition Plan to Achieve MDG 4 and 5
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: National Academy of Science and Technology
Date: March 14, 2010
Title: Health Leadership and Management for the Poor: Best Practice in Health Care Financing.
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: Zuellig Family Foundation
Date: January 19, 2010
Title: Health insurance and financing coverage and expenditures – why is the rich benefiting more than the poor
Presentation Held: Makati,Philippines
Description of Presentation: Philippine Health Outlook Forum, Asian Institute of Management
Date: November 13, 2009
Title: Using DEA to assess efficiency of municipalities in providing health care services in the Philippines
Presentation Held: Dusit Thani, Manila
Description of Presentation: Third Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of the Philippines
Date: October 9-14, 2009
Title: Using DEA to assess efficiency of provinces in providing health care services in the Philippines
Presentation Held: San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
Description of Presentation: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science Annual Meeting
Date: August 5-6, 2009
Title: Analysis of factors of treatment completion in DOTS health facilities in Metro Manila, Philippines: A Case-Control Study
Presentation Held: Tohoku University, Sendai City, Japan
Description of Presentation: a poster presentation at the 24th Conference of the Japan Association for International Health
Date: July 22-23, 2009
Title: Who provides poor quality of basic antenatal care in the
Philippines and who are at risk?
Presentation Held: Manila, Philippines
Description of Presentation: A paper presented to the Ninth National Health Forum on Health Research for Action
Date: June 22-25, 2008
Title: Payments for health care and its effect on catastrophe and impoverishment: experience after universal coverage policy implementation
Presentation Held: a paper presented at the American Society of Health Economists
Description of Presentation: Duke University, Durham North Carolina
Date: June 22-25, 2008
Title: Is there catastrophic health expenditure after Universal Coverage: Which household is at risk?
Presentation Held: Duke University, Durham North Carolina
Description of Presentation: A poster presented at the American Society of Health Economists
Date: November 3-7, 2007
Title: Are Maternal and Child Care Programs Reaching the Poorest in the Philippines?
Presentation Held:Washington DC,USA
Description of Presentation:A poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
Date: June 15, 2007
Title: Role of Human Resources for Achieving MDGs on Health in Asia-Pacific Region
Presentation Held: Okinawa, Japan
Description of Presentation: a paper presented at the 9th Pacific Science Inter- Congress
Date: June 15, 2007
Title: The Efficiency of Utilization of Human Resources for Health in Selected Countries in Achieving Millennium Development Goals Targets
Presentation Held: Okinawa, Japan
Description of Presentation: a paper presented at the 9th Pacific Science Inter- Congress
Date: June 15, 2007
Title: The Efficiency of Utilization of Human Resources for Health in Selected Countries in Achieving Millennium Development Goals Targets
Presentation Held: Okinawa, Japan
Description of Presentation: a paper presented at the 9th Pacific Science Inter- Congress
Published Papers: (Recent to Previous)
Title: Emerging challenges in implementing universal health coverage in Asia
Date: 2015
Description: Soc Sci Med 2015 In press
Title: Securing the public good of health research and development for developing countries
Date: May 1, 2012
Description: Bull World Health Organ
Title: Enhances the Primary Care Benefit
Date: 2012
Description: The Health Intel 2012
Title: The Philippines Health System Review
Date: 2011
Description: Health Systems in Transition. Vol. 1, No. 2 2011, Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. World Health Organization Regional Office for Western Pacific Region, Manila, Philippines
Title: Systemic factors of errors in the case identification process of the national routine health information system
Date: 2011
Description: A case study of Modified Field Health Services Information System in the Philippines. BMC Health Services Research 2011
Title: Health Sector Performance on Health Financing: Are we progressing towards equitable and efficient financing for health?
Date: November 2009
Description: Health Policy Notes. Volume 6: Issue 1 (November 2009) Department of Health, Manila, Philippines
Title: Are Maternal and Child Care Programs Reaching the Poorest in the Philippines?
Date: 2008
Description: Philippine Institute for Development Studies. Discussion Paper Series No. 2008-30
Title: Analysis of factors of treatment completion in DOTS health facilities in Metro Manila, Philippines
Date: 2008
Description: A Case-Control Study. Kekkaku. Vol.83, No.12: 765-772, 2008
Title: Payments for health care and its effect on catastrophe and impoverishment: experience from the transition to Universal Coverage
Date: Dec 2008
Description: Soc Sci Med. 2008 Dec; 67(12):2027-35
Title: Which households are at risk of catastrophic health expenditures: experience of Thailand after achieving Universal Coverage
Date: May/June 2009
Description: Health Affairs
Title: Providing Quality Health Care in the Philippines: Basis and Lessons.
Date: June 2006
Description: In Study for Strengthening Organizations in Health Sector by TQM/CQI Methodology (in Japanese). Japan International Cooperation Agency